For Child Care Providers
- Parent Referrals
- Support Services - including home visits
- Registry for License-not-required child care
- Training & workshops
- Monthly Newsletter
- Lending Library - theme boxes, felt stories, loose parts etc.
- Assistance with the Affordable Child Care Benefit

Tell me and I forget. Show me and I remember. Involve me and I understand.
~Chinese Proverb
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, using your vehicle more than 6 times a month would require you to have Class 7 (Business Use) coverage. The 6 times a month includes shopping, banking and children traveling in your vehicle. For more information please contact your local Auto Plan Insurance dealer or ICBC.
Home liability insurance does not cover the children you are being paid to care for. It is critical for your own protection as well as that of the children to have adequate child care liability insurance. We recommend child care providers to have at least $5 million liability insurance coverage.
A letter of reference from a co-worker, parent of a child for whom the individual has provided care, or Early Childhood Education professional with whom the individual has worked, documenting the satisfactory work performance of the applicant in the field of Early Childhood Education (minimum of 400 hours in the past 5 years - include dates of work).
- Proof of attendance at a minimum of two seminars, conferences or workshops on Early Childhood Education, lasting a total of at least 40 hours, OR proof of the completion of a post-secondary institution course relating to Early Childhood Education in the past 5 years. Acceptable documentation must include:
- title of the ECE-related seminar, workshop, conference or course
- dates of attendance
- number of hours of attendance
- the name of the applicant
- Current address and telephone number.
- Proof of name change, if applicable (photocopy of Marriage Certificate or Change of Name Certificate).
For more information please view the Early Childhood Educator in British Columbia booklet at or pick up the booklet at any health unit near you. Please direct all questions related to registration and renewal to the ECE Registry at:All Early Childhood Education certificates expire within 5 years of being issued. Renewal application must be completed application form (for link to ECE Registry click on application form) and sent to the ECE Registry before the certificate expires. Sign and date the completed application form and send to the ECE Registry along with the following:
The ECE Registry mailing address is:
Early Childhood Educator Registry
Ministry of Children and Family Development
PO Box 9965 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria, BC V8W 9R4
Other general questions that are not answered by the information on this Web site may be answered by calling 250 356-6501. If you are outside Victoria, call the Child Care Help line at 1-888-338-6622.
The Registry fax number is 250 952-0765, and e-mail may be sent to
Anyone providing care for 3 or more children, not related to them by blood or marriage, is required by law to become licensed. If someone cares for 3 or more children without a license, they are operating illegally. By operating illegally, it may invalidate the liability insurance coverage and you could be fined!
Having raised a family will certainly be good experience for caring for children. However, providing child care in your home is a business unlike any other. To be successful in providing quality child care services many skills are required. Managing a home based business; partnerships with client families; health & safety all require the development of policies and procedures. It is important to have current information on children's development and planning age appropriate activities for a multi age grouping. Family Child Care Training is offered through the Child Care Resource and Referral programs.